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The LIFE Programme is the European Commission's financial instrument for the environment and climate, with a view to promoting, updating, developing and implementing the EU's environmental and climate policy by co-financing projects with European added value. In order to increase the capacity of the LIFE Programme, the CAP LIFE LAT project has been operational in Latvia since 2016. The CAP LIFE LAT aims to promote the volume of successful LIFE Programme projects in Latvia by providing support to project applicants and performers. A LIFE Support Unit has been set up to achieve the goal, where stakeholders can receive advice and advice from experienced experts. As part of the project, regular training of applicants for LIFE projects and users is also organised, a mentoring programme and a dedicated consultative board organised to achieve more effective objectives. Experts experienced in the framework of the project provide support to applicants for and performers for LIFE projects. Interested people can receive advice and advice every working day.

< a data-external-link = “FALSE” data-cke-saved-href = "https://www. lifeprogramma. lv/lv/say "href =" https://www. lifeprogramma. lv/lv/say "title = “LIFE” > www. lifeprogramma. EN The LIFE Programme is the European Commission's (EC) financial instrument to deliver innovative and sustainable improvements to environmental quality and climate change. The main objective of the LIFE Programme is to promote the implementation, development and updating of the European Union's (EU) environmental and climate policy by co-financing projects that meet the objectives of the LIFE Programme and create additional added value in the EU. The programme is subject to Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU No. 1293/2013 on the establishment of a Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE). The LIFE Programme is operational in Latvia from 2001 and 49 projects have been successfully implemented with its support. For the period 2014-2020, the total investment available for the LIFE Programme amounts to 3.4 billion eur. National co-financing is also available for the implementation of approved projects. This funding shall be eligible for the submission of project applications by any legal person, such as entrepreneurs, public organisations, local governments, non-governmental organisations, who intends to make innovative and sustainable improvements. Support for the LIFE Programme is very broad. And although historically in Latvia it is more used for the realisation of natural projects by a non-governmental organisation, the innovation of this year's draft proposal – “market-ready” products in environmental and climate technologies – is a convenient and accessible way, as well as the introduction of new products or technologies within the framework of the LIFE Programme by private entrepreneurs.

Two LIFE sub-programmes are distributed:

  1. The Environment sub-programme for projects with a financial envelope of EUR 1.3 billion for the period 2014-2017. The main priorities of the Environment sub-programme are:
    • Environment and resource efficiency
    • Nature and biodiversity
    • Environmental management and information
  2. The sub-programme for climate action, for projects for the period 2014-2017, amounts to EUR 449 million. The main priorities of the Climate Action sub-programme are:
    • Climate change mitigation
    • Adaptation to climate change
    • Climate management and information