Since June 1, 2009 the SDDA is in charge of the functions of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs, and thus it is now responsible for implementation of the e-procurements and the e-services.

The SDDA maintains and develops the unified state and municipal services' internet site, where categorised links to Latvian internet resources offer a possibility for a centralized access to various electronic services offered by different state and municipal institutions.

The SDDA also manages the Electronic Procurement System available at This is the first e-procurement system in the Baltic States, which organizes the procurements in a unified manner.

The SDDA provides administration for previously started State funded programmes "Development of Specially Supported Territories" and "Income Tax Relief for the Development of Enterprises in Specially Supported Territories", and since 2007 has administrated five new national support instruments for the development of local municipalities – "Support for Local Municipality Investment projects", "Earmarked Subsidies to the Local Municipalities for Providing Free Internet and Computer Access at Local Municipality Libraries", "Earmarked Subsidies to Planning Regions, Districts, and Local Municipalities for Developing Territorial Planning and Amendments thereof", "Earmarked Subsidies for the Activities of the Local Municipalities", and "Support for the Development of Territorial Infrastructure".

Since May 1, 2019, the State Regional Development Agency has been performing the administrative functions of the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

The structural unit of the State Regional Development Agency - the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund Administration - continues to perform the functions and tasks specified in the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund Law.

All current and historical information about the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund and its administration is available at .

Administration of the LIFE Program

The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value. More information is available at

Since 2004, the SDDA has provided administration for the grant scheme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund "Support for Investment in Business Development in Specially Supported Territories".

In the programming period of the EU funds for 2007-2013, since 2008 the SDDA has provided the functions of cooperation authority for eight other EU Fund financed activities – "Attracting Specialists to the Planning Regions, Cities and Amalgamated Local Municipalities", ”Promoting the Administrative and Development Planning Capacity of Planning Regions and Local Municipalities", "Development of Nursery School Infrastructure at Development Centres of National and Regional Importance", "Support for the Development of Accessible Alternative Social Care Services", "Support for the Development of Internet Points Accessible to the Public","Promoting the Development Centres of National and Regional Importance for Balanced Development of the Country", "Sustainable Development of the City of Rīga" and "Support of amalgamated municipalities to promote complex growth".

During the EU fund programming period 2007-2013, the SDDA as a cooperation institution ensures the implementation of the activities co-financed by the ERDF and ESF for more than 200 million lats.

One of the main lines of SDDA activities is analytical work involving assessment of territorial development, defining the development trends and the impact analysis of the development support instruments. For analysis, sets of sectoral, demographic and social-economic indicators are used, as for monitoring regional policy, regular and systematic collection, processing and analysis of quantified information on the financial resources of implementing the support instruments for regional development and the result indicators in the State territories are of prime importance. It has been envisaged to provide the necessary statistical indicators for the needs of the Monitoring and Assessment System of regional development as well as to assess the statistical information which, in its stead, will serve as a basis for further analytical work in addressing the issues of state development.

In order to have success in the above mentioned analytical work, and do quality assessment of the impact of various development planning documents on the whole country or separate territories, the SDDA in cooperation with the The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development is preparing the Regional Development Monitoring and Assessment System (RDMAS).

SDDA hosts several EU Territorial Cooperation Programmes (ETC), better known as Interreg. ETC provides a framework for joint actions between national, regional and local actors from different Member States to find common solutions to shared problems.

The Programs’ staff provides support both  in development of project proposals and in implementing the projects. A brief information about each programme hosted by the Agency is presented below including the contact details.

Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014 -2020

Interreg Baltic Sea Region is an EU funding programme that facilitates transnational cooperation in the region. Countries around the Baltic Sea work together in projects to find joint solutions to common challenges. The funding is mainly directed at public authorities, research and training institutions, NGOs, sectoral agencies & associations and enterprises.

Further information about the Programme can be obtained at

Since 2007 the SDDA ensures the administrative operation of the VASAB Secretariat, the main task of which is to coordinate the cooperation of the Baltic Sea Region countries in the issues of spacial development.