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Operational objective

  • ensure the development of e-government through modern and societal information and communication technology solutions
  • promoting sustainability of regional development through the activities of different financial instruments and through analytical work


The core value of SDDA is people, both customers and employees. SDDA activities is based on the following values:

  • fair and professional activity
  • customer-oriented approach
  • objectivity in the decision-making process
  • targeted and efficient use of financial resources

Main operational directions SDDA

Within the framework of its competence, SDDA implementing the following lines of action as specified in the strategy of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development:

  • development of national e-government
  • provision of electronic procurement
  • implementation and monitoring of activities financed by national, EU Structural Funds and other financial instruments
  • analytical work on regional development
  • ensuring the functioning of international programme secretariats and information points
  • participation in international projects

Public services provided by SDDA

  • administration and monitoring of EU structural fund activities for the 2007-2013 programming period
  • ensuring the availability of e-services via the portal. Consultation of e-service providers and users
  • ensuring and maintaining the functioning of the national information system
  • ensuring and maintaining the functioning of the electronic procurement Supplier and User Consultation
  • sales of goods and services Electronic Procurement in
  • the issuance of electronic statements regarding the conformity of merchants with the requirements of the Public Procurement Law in the system
  • provision of information and statistics on socio-economic indicators characterising the development of national territories. Maintenance of the regional development indicator module site
  • provision of information on the Latvian geospace portal
  • ensuring the functioning of the spatial development planning information system
  • calculation of the area development index
  • International Programme Secretariat (including VASAB) and information points