Execution deadline in working days
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The service provides all economic operators in the electronic certificate in accordance with the Public procurement Section 9, Paragraph nine, Clause 1 of this Law and the ninth paragraph of Section 42, 48 Law on Public procurement service provider Paragraph thirty and the Public and Private Partnership Law Paragraph thirty 37 of all information in order to verify whether the applicant is not excluded from participation in procurement or concession procedure or the candidate or tenderer is not excluded from participation in the procurement procedure.

Process description

  1. First-time registration of the State information system integrator
    Completed registration form and the originals have been transmitted to the State Regional Development Agency. The merchant's registration is carried out 3 working days of plenipotentiary komesanta administrator e-mail address specified in the registration form to receive information regarding registration and further actions. The registration must be done only once, it is not required.

  2. E-izziņas request the State information system integrator
    Trader authorised / rather users the State information system integrator shall perform the requested information.

  3. E-izziņas reception
    24 hours since the moment, the State information system integrator will be prepared e-izziņa unavailability or notification of the absence of a register or message.
    If necessary, for example, if e-izziņā pointed out that there was no message or the selected messages do not comply with the information at the disposal of a merchant, a merchant may communicate with the repository whose e-izziņu processed information is used for the preparation of electronic certificates in accordance with the Public procurement rules specified in paragraph 20.

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